The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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BOOK 1 ...FUTURE SYSTEMS by Mark T. Nadir... Page $$$
1 THE "Scientific Community" claims to believe(!) in "Progress" and in
Scientific Principles (note Capitals) but what it actually believes
in (with religious fervor) is "AUTHORITY". There is no point is ad
dressing them with anything new. (And undressing them will also re
veal nothing new.) This book is, therefore, addressed to those few
who minds have not snapped shut. If you are the exceptional engineer
or PHD who is reading to learn, then I bid you welcome; the snide re
marks are not for you. On the whole, the contents of this book will
be read and appreciated by those whose minds are young; people like
those young students who were once called "HACKERS" and "HAMS". This
book is for the few mentally young engineers, student engineers, and
even a few PHds. The HAMS might even put the Beta Modes to the test
since it requires only a small effort from them. To ALL those whose
minds are open to new ideas: WELCOME.
2 Those of you who are reading this to prove me wrong will start by ig
noring the fact that two completely operative test systems were built
and tested at a cost of over $2,650,000.oo. These systems were highly
successfull and proved that systems of the types descibed herein are
very flexible and more efficient than code systems can hope to be.
The test systems also proved that code systems providing equivelent
services for an equal number of subscribers cost 20 to 150 times more
than the systems described herein. BUT - code systems can (without
incurring additional costs) provide only a fraction of the services
that the A, B and G Modes Systems described herein can provide.
3 Also, those who are out to "prove" me wrong may misquote me and those
misquotes will be knowingly wrong. There are no shortages of brown
nosers who are out to coddle favor with the IBMs, AT&Ts, DECs, etc.
Nothing can be done about them since "brown nosing" has a long (and
stinky) history. But, if you are out to prove me wrong, don't bother
- in your minds? you've already done it. Wye waist yore tyme reeding?
Besides its dangerous, you might learn something inadvertently.
4 The material in this book has been tested, not by talk or dusty/rusty
logic but the expensive expedient (as noted above) of building two
complete test systems and testing them. These were tested by employ
ing them as they would be used in practice and (of course) by making
measurements. Because of this, there can be no reasonable doubt that
they work (as explained herein).
5 The title "FUTURE SYSTEMS" refers to all the systems described in de
tail in all the books comprising this series. These books describes
several types of large scale systems such as communications systems,
computational systems, control systems, broadcasting, etc., etc. To
this list should included many smaller systems such as point to point
data communications systems, business systems, data/and music record
ing systems, control systems, traffic control systems, AI systems
etc. (especially etc.) The list omits hybrids of these same systems.
6 The technology described in this book is A DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, but it
is a technology which does not employ any form of code or coding.
This foregoing statement will be unbelievable to almost all pH-dees
and enginEars. [They "believe" such things are "impossible".] To add
insult to injury these systems are also self routing. But if that is
not enough the computer and control versions are also parallel (or
simultaneous) data processing system. That should be enough to hold
them - for a starter. Once the EXPERTs read this, they can (and will)
close the book - and their minds. (You will hear it when snap shut -
at this distance! If this applies to you then burn this book... and
buy a new one - from me. As far as ProFEEssors go, they are even more
closed minded than oridinary ENGINears. They ARE authority itself. I
would be very pleased to be proven wrong.
7 The technology presented (later, of course) is examined mainly in its
Mass-Access* context. (But, not exclusively, point to point systems
are also described [as B Modes systems].) Even the computational
types of machines (KalQueLaters) are examined as Mass-Access machine
s. One important aspect of MAss-Access systems is that the technology
is always characterized by the fact that all data is transferred from
point to point without the use of switching centers of any kind what-
so-ever... or codes.
8 This IS NOT a how-to book. It is (I hope) a teaching text. The aim is
not show you how to do this or that thing, but to provide you with a
real comprehension of how systems of these type works. Yes, systems.
I hope to leave you with the ability AND DESIRE to construct such
systems for yourselves and to your own specifications. AND GET RICH
9 Thoughtout this book data is sent as "characters". This is in keeping
with way these digital systems operate. [Analogue signals must be
"sampled" in order to convert them into digital format - and the re
sulting samples are characters.] This is true for all data. The only
difference between characters which are letters/symbols and charact
ers which are digitized analogue (voice, fax, etc.) is the speed with
which they are generated, if that. The characters used throughout
this book are letter/symbols such as are found on a typewriter key
board. The reason for the choice is very simple - letter/symbols are
easier to explain and understand than digitized analogue {voice}.
(Digitized voice is impossible to read on a sample to sample (char
acter to character) basis because samples are meaningless to our
minds but not to machines.
10 Because both the systems to be presented and code systems are digital
systems, (the latter, digital code systems, are the only systems pre
sently in common use) there is a very natural tendency to use the
terminology derived from code systems for the other non-code system.
Don't do it! That route is guaranteed to lead to utter confusion. The
text herein is full of definitions (which must so carefully read that
you might say they must be studied). A detailed glossary is provided
to help you when memory fails or something seems confused or con
fusing. The glossary specifies the location where the gloss is first
employed or explained in this text. In the text such terms are marked
with asterisks.
11 The material in this book may seem to be addressed exclusively to the
communications fields. That IS misleading. The references to commun
ication, computational, control, systems etc. serves to illustrate
electronic and optronics usage. The material found herein has wide
applications to many fields, some seemingly remote. Biology for
example. This will discussed further in the CONCLUSIONS SECTIONS. It
cannot be discussed earlier since you will not know what I am talking
about before then. It is not that the techonlogy is so hard to learn
- but the implications of that methodology are hard to swallow.
12 The text in the rest of this chapter, and part of the next, describes
which is the name I have given to the technology discussed herein. As
you will quickly discover for yourself, the methodology is [A] dig
ital and [B] positional. It is concerned with transducing data into
positions and positions into data. That is, it is a methodolgy that
TRANSDUCES positions into data and data into positions. The key words
13 The information that encompasses the essence of Positional Transduct
ion Methodoloy is presented in several separate "Books". Each book
is restricted to a separate and distinct aspect of Positional Trans
duction Methodology. This first book, BOOK 1, introduces you (in
rapid succession) to a series of basic concepts and such background
material as the author believes is necessary for good comprehension.
The result is that there is, what may seem to you to be, an endless
delay in getting "to the point" while, in fact I am trying to do just
THAT, e.g. get to the point quickly. (A lot of background material is
necessary - unfortunately.)
14 BOOK 1 is relatively short, wordwise but not idea-wise. BOOK 1 starts
out by describing a basic mode of operation, i.e. the most primitive
operating mode. It then goes on to describe a whole series of more
complex modes. Each successive mode builds onto the previous mode so
that each successive mode becomes progressively more complex. (The
complexity is in your mind and NOT in the electronic hardware.)
15 [[NOTE:- The term (gloss) as used throughout the text is not limited
by present-day electrical systems. It could include such things as
fiber optics, laser beams, optronic systems, etc., but it rarely does
so. In the main the glossary is concerned with items introduced in
this text and which have uncommon definitions.]]
16 BOOK 1 does not describe "hardware" systems in spite of the fact that
it might appear to do just that. There is a language problem here.
The word "systems" (as used in Book 1) usually does not mean some
kind of hardware. The author frequently use the term to mean con
ceptual systems. (Like, for example, a "system of thought".) Or even,
sometimes, an imaginary system unsupported by even imaginary hard
17 BOOK 2 introduces you to Positional Transduction Methodology communi
cation SysTems - as real (hardware) systems. The operation of Com
munications Systems are examined, described and discussed, in detail.
They are called in Book 2 "TAG SYSTEMS". THESE SYSTEMS ARE BOTH
CODELESS AND SWITCHLESS (i.e. they have neither switching mechanisms
nor switching centers, etc.). In addition, the following items are
described and discussed:- [1] means of signalling, [2] methods of
controlling all the members of the system so that they act in con
cert, i.e. in unison and/or an organized manner, and [3] methods of
controlling traffic flow, [4] physical organization of components,
[5] auxiliary controls, [6] business devices, [7] etc., etc.
18 BOOK 3A introduces the analogue of the CPU calculator, the PTM KalKu
Later, which is another new direction which these might systems take.
The KalKuLater is taken through many stages of developement and in
each stage its "calculating" capacity grows. It is the operational
capacity which grows. And, it grows very, very much faster than the
hardware. Your might find this very hard to believe. Then don't be
lieve - understanding is much to be preferred. It is all explained.
19 BOOK 3B introduces the reader to PTM's world of computational systems
which are called in Book 3 KalQueLating Mashines. These are a wholely
new class of machines which employs their INHERENT PARALLEL PROCESS
introductory even though the KalQueLating Mashines open new direct
ions to computation. These SysTems open many new areas of activities
to computational systems - from the employment of new forms of logic,
without excluding digital logic, to performing 1020 or many more,
operations per second, to recording music/data, to control systems
and traffic control systems, etc., etc. and so on.
20 BOOK 4, as of this data, has not been entered (i.e. written) into the
computer. This book will is intended to be a continuation of Book 3,
but, it can be published only after ALL THE PATENTABLE MATERIAL DE
will mean that it will never be published at all or only long after
Positional Transduction Methodology have been superseded by the by
next developements, "N" Dimensional SysTems, and/or Double Implicit
SysTems... if they are released by my heirs.
21 There are many new terms (glosses) required to explain the operations
of Positional Transduction Methodology SysTems. Since (as noted earl
ier) new glosses are easily foregotten the previously mentioned
glossary is included. Consult it when in doubt.
22 This text should be virtually impossible to scan due to the nature of
the material. (Much that is totally new is imbedded herein.) In addi
tion the author has done his very best to make the material unscan
nable. If you do not care to spend the time to read this text slowly
and thoughtfully then it might be better if you do not try. The whole
glossary of new glosses must be (A) understood and (B) remembered in
order to follow the text. To get the most out of the material being
presented all you need is [1] patience, [2] understand, [3] patience
and [4] a nice long attention span. Do not be afraid to go back and
re-read what-so-ever is not perfectly clear. Speed is for race car
drivers and/or drug addicts, not for you.
23 The mechanical analogies which follow are nessessary to those who are
not intimately familiar with digital code and Positional Transduction
Methodology systems. (Especially digital communications and computer
systems.) BUT, even those who are intimately familiar with these sys
tems might find the mechanical analogy valuable. Even if these know
ledgeable individuals only learn the approach that is to be taken,
they will find it valuable of and for itself.
24 ALL of the mechanical analogies (except the last one) employ an end
less belt to simulate the communications path. Therefore the endless
belt is the mechanical analogue of the wirelines, radio paths, video
links, satellite paths, laser beams, OR fiber optic wires, etc., etc.
(Also etc.)
25 The endless belt analogy is employed in various different ways in the
text that follows. The first two of these analogies illustrate the
manner in which code transmissions might be simulated by the endless
belt. The third and forth analogies simulate the Positional Trans
duction Methodology's (PTM) method of TRANSFERRING DATA. The endless
belt, in this instance, is employed to transfer data (as opposed to
transmitting data). Because all three methods employ the same type of
analogy (that of an endless belt) they tend to look superficially
alike. Care must be taken to examine the methodology and not the
analogy. The forth analogy uses a wheel in the place of the endless
belt. This necessary because the same basic analogy must be used to
illustrate another version of the Positional Transduction Method
ology. PTM, as the reader can easily guess, is the methodology exam
ined throughout these books.
26 Our endless belt analogy is comprised of a endless belt and two drums
over which it rolls and which holds it taut. The ends of the belt are
pasted together - after one end has been turned over. This makes the
endless belt into a mobius strip, a belt with only one side and one
edge. Since we are not concerned with the thickness of the belt the
thickness parameter can be ignored. Our endless belt will have no
thickness (and, hence, no weight) therefore, does not sag.
27 In our first two analogies the belt is marked off (by painted lines)
into segments which we are call (in the trade) "slots" . The slot is
merely a space on the belt which terminates at the lines which separ
ate one slot from the adjacent slot. (They do not exist in actuall
ity) One of the drums drives the endless belt so it moves with uni
form motion (called the "data rate"). At each end of the belt there
is an "operator" who in our illustration is a member of the twenty
million years old species:- "homo sap".
8 The operator (at the end of the belt whose surface is moving towards
the other operator) is designated the "sender"; the other operator is
the designated "receptor".
29 The sender is amply supplied with a pen and pile of wafers upon which
the sender can write a character (in ones and zeros).
30 The operation of the system is simple. As each slot comes up (over the
drum) the operator writes a character upon a wafer and places that
wafer on the slot. (S/He is a [very] fast writer.) The receptor lifts
each wafer, as it arrives, reads the characters and writes them down.
(S/He is even faster!) In this manner data (messages) can be
transmitted (the wafers are transmitted) from the sender to the re
ceptor. When this method is employed there can be only one "sender"
in the system. (But, there can be more than one "eavesdropers"!) This
is in keeping with code broadcasting such as are employed by radio
transmissions and code "point to point" communications systems.
31 The second analogy is also a code analogy. The same endless belt is
employed and is marked in the same manner. In this analogy there are
a multiplicity of "senders" and a multplicity of "receptors". There
is no operator at the source (input) end of the belt. Rather, at the
source end there is a machine which has many endless "feeder" belts
feeding the source end of the main belt. Each of these "feeder belts"
belts has an operator who is sending data. And as before, each of
these operators is equiped with pen and a pile of wafers. Each opera
tor writes on his/her wafer and then puts it on the endless feeder
belt. There are N of these feeder belts and each moves 1/Nth as fast
as the main endless belt. A machine at the sending end of the main
belt sweeps the wafers from the feeder belts unto its assigned slot
on the main belt. Since the main endless belt moves N times faster
than the feeder belts each feeder belt has its own unique slot on the
main belt and these slots re-occur periodically. This gives rise to
the "interlacing" called "multiplexing" in the trade. Each slot (on
the main endless belt) is assigned a number (which can be read off
the drums). This permits the system to be "synchronized".
32 The same basic (but inverse) "machinery" is found at the receptor end
of the endless belt, i.e. there are N feeder belts fed from the main
belt. The machinery, at the receptor end, sweeps the wafers off onto
the N endless feeder belts, each of which serves its one operator.
The machine at the receptor site is a de-interlacer (called a de-
multiplexer in the trade). The two machines (i.e. the multiplexer and
the de-multiplexer) when in "sync" (synchronization) will permit mes
sages from any specific "sender" to reach any specific receptor.
33 In practice there is machinery that permits this technology to be em
ployed in such a manner that any sender can reach any receptor. It is
called (in the trade) "THE SWITCHING SYSTEM". The switching system is
actual compised of two compent parts: [[1] the electronic switch and
[2] the racks filled with switches. We need not go into more here.
34 The above technology is used in code systems. The last analogy repre
sents the MASS-ACCESS CODE TECHNOLOGY since it permits very large num
bers of subscribers to co-share the use a single transmission path
(that is, an endless belt). There is one important restriction on the
35 If you examine the endless belt (in the second example) you will not
ice that the only thing that can be seen (on the main belt) are the
wafers (each of which conveys a code representing a character). These
are the "visible" data conveyed by the belt. This visible data will
hereafter be referred to as THE EXPLICIT DATA*. But, there is a sec
ond kind of data present. This is a kind of invisible data, which
will be referred to herein as IMPLICIT DATA and is explained below.
36 The slots which re-occur periodically are a form of IMPLICIT* DATA.
This is because each slot in a periodic re-occurring group acquires a
sequence number merely by occurring sequentially in the same relative
position. In actuality, the multiplexer(s) and de-multiplexer(s)
assign an address (or phone number) to each slot. This invisible
(i.e. implicit) data is very real. It is generally ignored as being
either of no consequence or of only minor consequence. However, it is
this implicit data that makes the system work.
37 In the pages that follow, we shall discover that the implicit data is
of even greater importance in Positional Transduction Methodology
than in code technology. The reader must, from now on, carefully sep
arate the concept of information from the concept of data. The two
are not considered identical herein. Information implies that what
follows is not predictable, i.e. it contains an element of surprise.
This is not true of data. Data is anything that follows even if it
well known and can be predicted months in advance. For example, per
iodicity specifies that events will follow in the certain sequence.
That makes it data. Since it contains no surprises it is not inform
ation - but it IS data!
38 It is a general rule for Positional Transduction Methodology systems,
that implicit data is not information. (BUT, IT IS NOT AN INVARIABLE
LAW). Things are quite otherwise in Doubly Impicit Systems.
39 We come, now, to the third method. This is an analogy for one type of
Positional Transduction Methodology systems. This analogy is employed
to transfer data. It will be explained thrice. The first explanation
is not really accurate but has the advantage of being easy to
understand. The second time it is explained accurately - but still as
an analogy. The second explanation should be easily comprehensible
since there is the background of the first explanation to help you
along. (Crutches to assist the un-cripled.) The third explanation is
a modification of the second.
40 This analogy introduces you to ONE of the N! (factorial) versions of
Positional Transduction Methodology or PTM (where N is a small number
between 50 and 1,000). As was stated earlier, this technology does
not transmit data, but, it does cause the transfer of data. No, this
is not gobbyly-gook intended to confuse you. It is a statement of
fact. This will become obvious later.
41 The analogy we will use is again that of the endless belt riding over
a pair of drums or rollers. The belt has, as before, lines placed at
uniform intervals and at a right angle to the length of the belt. The
space between the lines are now called a NESTS* rather than slopts.
The endless belt is set in motion by the drums.
42 We again have a sending operator at the end of the belt whose surface
is moving away, i.e. towards the receptor operator.
43 On the surface of the endless belt, i.e in each Nest, a unique char
acter is printed. Each successive nest has a different character. The
printed characters are the letters of the alphabet, a few punctuation
marks and a character that represents a space or a blank area. The
complete set of such unique characters is called a CHARACTER-SET*.
Since we want the endless belt to be rather long, there are several
successive character-sets painted on the endless belt.
44 The sending operator has a pile of identical wafers, but needs no pen
(unlike before). The job of the operator is to send messages to the
receptor operator. (The following analogy will only have these two
operators.) The endless belt is set into motion and the sending oper
ator starts to send. This is accomplished by the having the sending
operator placing a plain (un-written upon) waffer in each Nest that
contains the next character that must be sent . [A reminder:- a uni
que charactor is printed in each space that represents a nest on the
endless belt.]. In this analogy the wafers do not need to be marked
since the presence of a wafer in a nest is a marker which tells the
receptor operator that a character being "sent". The character print
ed in each nest tells the receptor what character is being sent. The
wafer is merely a MARKER which tells the operator which nests repre
sent characters, i.e. it differentiates empty nests from nests which
contain data.
45 The receiving operator need only read the character printed in a nest
to know what character is being sent. The presence of a wafer in a
nest signals that a character is being sent. The printed charcter
in the nest wherein the wafer is found specifies the character that
is being transferred. The sum of the characters (including the space
character, needed to separate words) comprise the message.
46 But - there is a fly in the ointment. There are not and cannot be any
printed characters on a real transmission path. These character are
only presented to you to help you understand what follows - and which
is a correct analogy. In the instance given, that all that was sent
was a blank wafer. The message was transferred by the painted char
acters printed on the belt, not by the wafer which merely acts as a
marker. Now, we will get rid of the character printed on the belt.
47 Now the analogy shall be changed slightly (so that it will correspond
to an actual Positional Transduction Methodology operating system.)
The lines printed on the endless belt will remain (as visual aids)
but the characters printed on the belt must be removed. The endless
belt now has visible Nests (due to the painted lines) but it is
otherwise blank. (The painted lines are visual separators and are not
transmitted, nor needed, in actual systems.) But, now, the drums will
have the characters comprising the character-set painted on them. The
characters on the drums will be spaced so that as each Nest arrives a
character on the drum appears (preferably near or under the arriving
nest). Therefore, each nest, on the belt, has a character on the drum
associated with it. The drums are just the right size for one or more
complete character-sets to be printed on them. [There are electronic
equivelents described later.]
48 Both drums are arranged so that when a wafer is placed on some char
acter by the sender (say the space character) that same character
(the space character) appears on the receptor's drum (when the wafer
indicating the "space" character arrives at the receptor's site).
When this is done the drums are in "sync", i,e. synchronized. Due to
the fact that a wafer has to travel the length of the belt this syn
chronization is necessary. The synchronization takes the "transmis
sion delay" into account. This delay will be discussed in the text.
So will the mechanism (hardware) that replaces the drums.
49 Now, the characters painted on the drums INDICATE to the operators at
all times just what character any given Nest REPRESENT. So therefore,
when a given character on the drum is the same as the character the
sender wants the receptor to "receive" the sender can safely places a
wafer in THAT Nest and feel sure that it will be correctly received.
The same mechanism assures the receptor that the characters are cor
rectly "received".
50 In this last example there is no absolutely indication on the endless
belt of any character. The Nests convey IMPLICIT DATA. Note also that
the only thing that is transmitted are the wafers (which represent
the receptor's address). These addresses (wafers) are explicit the
data and are all identical. IT IS THE DRUMS WHICH STATE EXPLICITLY
51 Next, we shall replace the endless belt with a very large wheel hav
ing a great many spokes. (The rim of the wheel is an exact equivelent
of a circular endless belt.) The spaces along the periphery of the
wheel and between the spokes will be the Nests. The drums must still
exist under the wheel. They are required to state EXPLICITLY (to the
opertors) exactly what character each nest